1251 stories

Pascal's Wager Triangle

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In contrast to Pascal's Wager Triangle, Pascal's Triangle Wager argues that maybe God wants you to draw a triangle of numbers where each one is the sum of the two numbers above it, so you probably should, just in case.
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38 days ago
New York
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33 days ago
New York, NY

Many people say their Apple IDs were inexplicably reset last night

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Illustration of the Apple logo on a light and dark green background.
Illustration: The Verge

Overnight, many people reported on social media that they were inexplicably logged out of their Apple IDs and then required to reset their passwords when they tried to sign in again, and nobody seems to know why. Some reported needing to enter their iPhone passcode to connect to iCloud again, while others with Stolen Device Protection enabled said they had to wait an hour before being able to log in.

Apple’s System Status webpage shows no current issues with any of its services, so it’s not clear if this was a widespread issue. That said, 9to5Mac reports that even a few of its staff members were also affected by the issue. At least one Forbes contributor apparently experienced the issue as well. The outlet saw no indication that this...

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90 days ago
This happened to me. Wonder what happened.
New York
90 days ago
It did not happen to me. Very weird.
89 days ago
happened to me! was at a conference on free wifi so had a long freak out about that one
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Pub Trivia

5 Comments and 10 Shares
Bonus question: Where is London located? (a) The British Isles (b) Great Britain and Northern Ireland (c) The UK (d) Europe (or 'the EU') (e) Greater London
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98 days ago
Am i missing something? Isn't number 4 answerable?
New York
98 days ago
Answerable but trivial is the joke I guess
98 days ago
Edit: apparently I can't count. Sorry. Original response:maybe? I would say it depends on whether there is decent definition of what makes a lake - a lake. Because if it is just an inland body of water then every raindrop would form a new lake (that might eventually join together into something larger)
98 days ago
Now that you mention it I realise I misread the question. I thought it said more shark attacks *than* and the joke was that because "or" is used instead of "and", the answer was Jaws despite it being listed in the question.
87 days ago
No u good
98 days ago
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97 days ago
There's no such thing as a stupid question.
Work in D.C., live in NoVA
98 days ago
I'd have said the Zucker brothers created the first Airplane, and the last.
98 days ago
Who was the first person to beat a world record?
98 days ago
What is the longest video game?
East Helena, MT

Not All Web APIs Are Good APIs

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Eric Lee on Threads:

I was wondering why I haven’t seen websites utilizing Vibration API when I see more and more apps using it including Arc Search and AirChat. Safari doesn’t even support it so there it goes 🫠

This exemplifies the broken thinking among many web developers and PWA advocates regarding Safari and WebKit. Just because an API exists and some browsers support it does not mean all browsers should support it. I never ever want a website to be able to vibrate my device. Ever. Nor do I want websites to be able to prompt me with an alert asking for permission to vibrate my device. Not supporting the Vibration API is a feature, not an omission.

If you want web apps to have the same full range of capabilities as native apps, iOS is not the platform for you. PWA advocates treat it as axiomatic that web apps should be peers to native apps, but that’s not true for everyone. I think of native apps as software I carefully consider before installing, even from the App Store. I think of websites and web apps as software I will visit/run without consideration, because they’re so comparatively restricted.

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101 days ago
New York
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Taking care

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Taking care

This is a comic about grief, and it's based on a poem by Callista Buchen.

View on my website

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123 days ago
Absolutely devastating.
New York
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US Survey Foot

2 Comments and 6 Shares
Subway refuses to answer my questions about whether it's an International Footlong or a US Survey Footlong. A milligram of sandwich is at stake!
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173 days ago
New York
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173 days ago
Hey where’d the alt text bot go?
America City, America
177 days ago
For international viewers, 0.014 miles is about 23 metres.
177 days ago
this american had to convert it into feet before grasping the distance involved, fwiw
176 days ago
Bah! It's just a bit over 0.015 miles, or around 50 feet plus half of that again to get 75 feet, plus some change because it's 0.016 not 0.015, plus a bit because a thousandth of a mile is closer to 53 feet, so it's closer to like 80 feet. Easy math. No need for your silly metrics system.
173 days ago
Statute mile or Nautical mile?
169 days ago
How many footlong hotdogs is that?
168 days ago
Somewhere between a fortnight and a furlong of footlong frankfurters
166 days ago
15.13 smoots
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